Monday, September 11, 2006

You Know Who You Are

Amen to that. It is time. It is time to stop hiding-hiding behind fear of condemnation for speaking truth. It is time to stop hoping - to stop hoping that this problem will go away by ignoring it. It is time to start speaking - to start speaking out and say what everyone knows but few will say:

Islam as preached in a great part of this world is the problem - not the U.S.A, or GW Bush. You cannot reconcile those who subjugate women, who say there is only one acceptable belief and you must accept it or cannot reconcile that idealogy with a belief system that says every man and woman has the freedom to choose their lifestyle without fear of retribution, that women have the right to choose who they will marry or speak with, that people have the right to choose their own leaders and to make their own laws in accordance with the majority's will. All muslims are not guilty - only those who will not publicly condemn this hateful ideology. You know who you are.


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