Friday, October 27, 2006

Rick Santorum

Great Speech by Rick Santorum. If you are able to help this man both financial and in getting out the vote, please do so.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ah, Sugar, Sugar..Vote Republican!

Truly a neat little video. Thanks Redstate for the link

Why GOP voters will (should?) stay home - my response


I am optimistic that both houses will stay in Republican hands.

Actually it is only hope. Optimism says that we will actually increase our majorities when the votes are counted!

Seriously though, I have a hard time accepting that the voters who were intelligent enough to choose Bush over Kerry/Gore are not intelligent enough to understand the threat incurred by handing control to the Democrats.

Media Bias and pandering on behalf of liberal issues is nothing new. Over weighted polls and un-scientific sampling to shape voter opinions are nothing new.

Republican/Conservative voters have been well aware of this and sidestepped it in every election since 2000. Are they suddenly going to cave just because its become even more intense and obvious? 'Wow, the media really are on the side of the Liberals - I guess they deserve to win!'

Yes the majorities took advantage of the trust handed to them and shamefully spent the country into deeper debt. That has really pissed me off.

I was angry to find that Bush was not truly a Conservative.

I'm angry over the lack of any true immigration progress.

In my wildest dreams, however, I cannot conceive that I might sit out this election - or any election- where the outcomes are so important.

Is the overspending really enough of a reason to throw in the towel? At least I have low taxes and greater wealth while it's happening. Will this continue under Democrats?

Will Democrats be any tougher on immigration reform? (Ha!).

Is removing all pressure from Iran by pulling out of Iraq and 'talking' really the smartest thing to do?

I am not happy at how we've run the war. In 14 months, my son, an Army Officer, heads to Iraq with his unit. Do you think I am pleased at this? Of course not, but I am convinced it has to be done.

If Republicans truly do stay away from the polls and the balance of power shifts to the left, it will greatly sadden me.

Not because the majority was lost, but because the will to do right was overridden by the will to give up and hide from reality; overridden by the political equivalent of a kid taking his football and going home when the game doesn't go exactly his way.

Are we really that immature as a party?

If so, every Republican who stays home or votes against the majority will have placed themselves on par with the legislators who couldn't say no when it came to earmarks.

Both knew what was moral and right and both failed to do it for selfish reasons. I think the Republican/Conservative voters are better than that.

So, yes, I am optimistic (or hopeful). I don't have anything to really support this, I just expect it as I expect the sun to rise tomorrow.

In my narrow view, no other outcome makes sense and the opposite result is a reality check I'm not currently willing to deposit.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

New Top Ten Site

I've added a new top ten website to this Blog: RedState .

I've been reading this for a while now and after several weeks of spot-on commentary and analysis, I decided that it was time to add a link- I was spending a lot of time there anyway, I figured an easy link was a good idea.

Why did CNN air the insurgent sniper videos?

CNN is taking a lot of heat over their decision to show Iraqi guerillas sniping American soldiers. They opened a comments page after their explanation. Since I assume my comments will not get published, I published them here as well:


Rather than debate whether you should have shown the video, I would rather see CNN directly approach the topic of whether there is merit in fighting this war.

The unstated position of CNN seems to be that either that the US is in the wrong or that both sides have equal weight in the morality of their positions and so it musn't take sides.

Show what you will, it's your network and that of your stockholders.

However, if my opinion counts, I ask that if you believe the former (that the US is wrong) then state this clearly. State also that CNN has chosen sides and that you intend to do what you can to bring about the defeat of the US.

However, if you believe that neither side has moral justification, then please do the following: Show everything, on both sides. Show the victims in the Israeli cafes, and Iraqi schools as well as the dead children forced to provide cover for Hezbollah and Hamas. Show the beheadings and bodies splattering as they hit the concrete after jumping from the Towers.

Show the tragedy on both sides and why both sides are fighting and what they expect the end state to look like if they win.

Explain the historical context.

If you are going to claim to be objective, then be objective. Do not pick and choose in such a way that gives comfort to any one side. At least in that sense, you can actually report the news instead of shaping it. I guarantee you many on both the left and right will be angry - and respect you - all at once.

I think your shareholders will also be happy in this case.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This is how you change attitudes

In a society where so much of what passes for discourse involves some form of shouting and an automatic assumption of idiocy (on the part of those who disagree with you), these folks have earned my respect.

I think people are tired of getting hammered on what they are 'supposed' to believe. Those who offer them a chance to think for themselves are almost assured to make a substantial impact on the attitudes of others.

Well done.